Oil-immersed Transformer

S11 Oil-immersed Transformer

S11 Oil-immersed Transformer

The new S11 series fully sealed transformers adopt advanced technology, have low no-load load loss, are resistant to lightning shocks, have strong short-circuit resistance, have obvious energy-saving effects, and have significant social and economic benefits. They are ideal products for the current national two-network transformation. The products are fully oil-filled. Sealed type, no oil conservator, the oil volume changes caused by changes in temperature and load of the transformer are completely mediated by the elasticity of the transformer oil tank. Compared with S9 series transformers, the average no-load loss is 30% lower, the average no-load current is 60% lower, and the energy-saving effect is more obvious. It is a new energy-saving product in China. The transformer body adopts a high-reliability support structure to ensure that the upper and lower parts of the coil can be reliably pressed. The entire body structure makes the transformer highly capable of withstanding short circuits.

Oil-immersed Transformer Table-1

S13 Oil-immersed Transformer

The S13 type is developed and designed on the basis of the S11 type. It fully absorbs the structural advantages of the S11 type transformer. At the same time, it uses the best Hi-B silicon steel sheet as the magnetic conductive material and selects a lower magnetic flux density to make the transformer The no-load loss is 30% lower than that of the S11 model.

All of the advantages of S11 type transformer. No-load loss 30%, lower than the S11 type transformer noise is lower. Particularly suitable for load rate is less than 40% of occasions, such as urban and rural life.


S13 Oil-immersed Transformer
S(B)H15 Oil-immersed Transformer

S(B)H15 Oil-immersed Transformer

Amorphous alloy iron core has the characteristics of strong magnetic induction, low loss (equivalent to 1/3-1/5 of silicon steel sheet), low coercive force, low excitation current, good temperature stability, etc., and is made of amorphous alloy iron core The no-load loss of the transformer is only 1/4-1/5 of the current S9 products, and the no-load current is 60-70% lower than that of the S9 series. The energy saving is very significant. It is especially suitable for users with low load rates, such as rural areas and developing areas. S(B)H15 type amorphous alloy product, the iron core adopts single frame or three-phase five-column rolled iron core, the iron core is clamped with a thin plate forming frame structure, and the low-voltage coil is foil-wound, making it low loss and short-circuit resistant. Strong, advanced and reasonable structure, the overall performance indicators have reached the world’s advanced level.